Thursday, November 14, 2013

Apple Beats Google With Motorola Smartphone Tattoo

Technology has been taking some major leaps in the last few years. The advent of the Apple iPhone brought about a change in the way we use our cell phones to communicate, with many of us relying on them to provide everything from texting to email. Now, it appears that Motorola will be bringing us the nest big advance in the field of mobile technology.
The company, owned by Google Inc., has just received a patent for a something far more interesting than a simple headset or earbud. According to reports, the company has patented a tattoo that can be applied to the throat. This tattoo will be able to connect to a smartphone, much the same way that a Bluetooth headset or earpiece does. Once connected, the tattoo would allow you to control your phone using nothing but your voice.

More Than A Tat
According to the patent, the tattoo would be able to connect to other devices besides phones as well. The theory is that users could incorporate the tattoo into their gaming, Internet surfing, and phone calls by connecting to multiple devices. It would use NFC, Bluetooth, ZigBee, or some other similar communications stream.
Oddly enough, Motorola also claims to be able to use the tattoo on animals. If this is the case, then products like electronic doggy doors may not be far in the future.

Motorola Not The First
While the idea of using a tattoo to control your phone may seem like an outlandish idea, Motorola was not the original creator of such a device. In fact, Nokia patented a similar device last year. The tattoo designed by Nokia is a “vibrating tattoo” that is designed to allow users to “feel” when someone calls them. Personally, I would prefer to simply hear the phone ring and pick it up.

Google, Apple's arch-enemy is also working on a tattoo that can be used in several ways. However, aside from being used to control smartphones, this tattoo could also double as a lie detector. I personally have a list of politicians who should be forced to get this one.

What do you think? Should we be experimenting with tattoos that connect to electronic devices? Let us know in the comments section below.

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