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Monday, December 31, 2012
Into The Sun
My new e-book, Into The Sun, is now available through Amazon. If you like a good action story, coupled with mystery and crime, then this book is perfect for you.
There is a special for New Year's Day and the day after that will allow you to download the Kindle version for free. I have included an excerpt of the book below:
"Oh, it's ok," Lane said, his manners coming back to him, along with his composure. He began studying the young girl, sizing her up. She definitely wasn't a trucker, no way a pretty face like that sat behind the wheel for a living. However, she didn't quite look like a lot lizard either. Lot lizard being the nickname truckers gave to the hookers who often roamed these mom and pop places plying their trade.
"You say you need to get all the way to Houston?"
"Yes sir. My car blew its motor here yesterday, and I am just trying to get back home."
"What are you doing way over here in San Antone? Why you're over 200 miles from Houston!"
"Well, I took a job in Phoenix, and I have been there for 7 months. Anyway, I met this guy shortly after I moved there, and we kind of hit it off. Everything went well for a while, but then I felt like things were not going to work out. He drinks a lot, and he started to get angry over something to do with his business. I'm really not sure what he does, he never would tell me, but whatever it is, it was stressing him out." She seemed ready to tear up at the thought of this memory, but she kept speaking.
"One day, he came in drunk and he hit me. I told him we were through, and that I didn't want to see him any more. I thought that would take care of things. I left and went back to my place. However, he showed up at my work the next day, and told me that if he couldn't have me, then nobody could, and that he would kill me if I didn't come back to him. I was afraid, so I quit my job, and got in my car and left. I made it here before my car finally died, and I don't have the money for a new one. I just want to get back to Houston, where he can't get at me again." Now she was crying, with tears streaming down her pretty face and dripping off her chin.
Get your copy at Amazon today!
Apple iPad Mini In High demand In China
It appears as though the iPad Mini will be a smash hit in China. According to FOX News, the little device is being snapped up as fast as it hits shelves.
Brian White, a Topeka analyst, calls the demand for the iPad Mini "insatiable," he notes that nearly every model of the smaller sibling of the iPad 4 have sold out in Hong Kong and China during the week of Christmas. This is pretty impressive considering that the iPad Mini was launched weeks before in both countries.
According to reports, 3 of Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s retail stores in Hong Kong and 8 of them in China reported that they were sold out of stock or had severe constraints in their supplies of the little iPads. White stated that "similar to Hong Kong, we are being told by contacts in China that the iPad Mini is already more popular than the fourth generation iPad."
Apple is increasing the production of the little gadget, and that will only serve to fuel the fire they have started in China. White states that "prior to the China launch, we indicated that the iPad MIni would be the 'next big thing' in China, and we believe this phenomenon is starting to develop. In our view, the smaller form factor and lower price will allow Apple to sell the iPad mini in more meaningful volumes versus the regular iPad."
It would seem that Apple's tree in China is firmly planted. The country has welcomed the iPad Mini and iPhone 5 with open arms, and it seems the future is bright for Apple there. 2012 is ending at midnight tonight, and 2013 is just around the corner. It will be interesting to see how Apple makes changes to its marketing strategy in the coming months, or if there is any need for such a change. As of right now, Apple devices still hold a strong market share in both the tablet and smartphone markets. Whether or not that will continue to be the case in 2013 remains to be seen. For now, I suppose that we will have to wait and see.
This blog produced by Sites & Syllables
Friday, December 28, 2012
Apple Inc. (AAPL) Closes Below $510 Per Share
Apple Inc. (AAPL) just can't seem to catch a break in recent days. Investor sentiment has increasingly grown sour in the wake of the iPhone 5 launch and the subsequent Maps application fiasco.
While shares of Apple Inc. (AAPL) had reached an all time high of $705 per share earlier in the year, the price has continued to drop in the last few weeks, leading to its closing at $509.59 today. Some analysts still hold positive feelings towards the company, expressing the rumors of the upcoming Apple TV launch, and the possibility of an iPad 5 as early as next March. However, it seems that much of Wall Street's population may be siding with Jeff Gundlach, who believes Apple will fall to as low as $425 per share.
The company once held the top spot as the world's most valuable company, but it seems that value is slipping away a little at a time these days. I personally believe Apple shares will rally in the coming quarters. Once the government reaches a decision on how to handle the fiscal cliff, tech stocks should have a brighter future ahead. Until that time, uncertainty and dissatisfaction seem to be the forces driving Apple's shares ever downward.
This blog published by Sites N Syllables
Apple Reports Huge Increase In App Store Downloads On Christmas Day
Apple Inc. (AAPL) has been on a roller coaster ride of thrills and chills this year, as its stock price soared to more than $700 per share and then plummeted back to the $515 range. However, one area the company has not been languishing in this year is sales. The iPhone 5 launch was the Cupertino company's largest product roll out ever, and it was amazingly successful, breaking all previous records for sales. The iPad 4 and iPad Mini launch that followed shortly after were also highly successful.
The results of these product's sales can be seen in the latest report from ValueWalk, which indicates that Apple reported an 87% increase in downloads from its App Store on Christmas day. The all around increase was reported to be around 70%, but iPad Apps hold the highest increase by percentage points. According to the figures published on ValueWalk, iPad Apps recorded a whopping 140% increase in downloads and an 80% increase in revenue earned. This points out that the iPad and iPad Mini were most likely the most popular Christmas gifts in Apple's product lineup this year.
According to a report from, this is the first holiday shopping season where tablets beat out smartphones for the number 1 slot on gift givers' lists. The total number of mobile devices that were activated on Christmas day was 17.4 million. Tablets made up 51% of that number, and beat smartphones out for the top spot.
According to reports, the most popular apps that were downloaded were not Apple Apps, but in fact came from Apple's top competitor, Google Inc. (GOOG). Google's streaming video service, YouTube, was the most selected app in the App Store, with Google Maps coming in second. Surprisingly enough, an OfficeMax original app, called Elf Yourself, came in third place, and Disney's Where's My Holiday took fourth. Skype was also a popular download, as many families use the video calling feature to stay connected to each other during the holiday season.
Not surprising to many people, Apple is not the only company to record record sales in the tablet arena this holiday season. Inc.'s Kindle Fire HD recorded the most significant growth in a single day. This affordably priced tablet is reported to be one of Apple's biggest threats in the near future, in regards to the mid and lower end of the tablet market.
Although the final numbers have yet to be released by each of these companies, all the current data seems to indicate that tablets were the most desirable items on holiday wish lists this year. The tablet market is not yet as saturated as the smartphone market, as many consumers already own a smartphone. This leaves yet another venue for companies like Apple Inc. (AAPL) to earn major profit.
Whether or not these numbers give the company a much needed boost in stock price remains to be seen. However, it can not be a bad thing to have set yet another record for sales this year.
Time Magazine Names Apple iPhone 5 Gadget Of The Year
Earlier this month, Time named Apple’s iPhone 5 its gadget of the year for 2012. Time’s Harry McCracken calls the phone “one of the most artfully polished gadgets anyone’s ever built.” He also says that Apple has had more than its share of tech successes because it is extremely fussy about details that “other companies ignore.”
The phone has a taller screen (4 inch) built into a thinner, lighter case that hasn’t gotten any wider – so you can still use it with one hand. This larger canvas lays claim to more pixels and heightened color saturation, making it clearer and brighter than the iPhone 4S.
The 8MP iSight camera also excels with its unparalleled panorama mode and a vibrant low-light mode - even though the camera itself is smaller than before. The iPhone 5 also boasts a faster chip, married to ultrafast wireless technology that doesn’t sacrifice battery life. All in an aluminum body beautifully designed with precision that Apple claims is unprecedented.
Designing a faster, thinner phone without losing any of its capabilities forced the company to do what it does best – come up with new technology.
Apple engineers created a nano-SIM, which is smaller than the micro-SIM; they put both voice and data on a single chip instead of the standard two, and the new A6 chip is up to 2X faster than its predecessor, the A5.
In addition, Apple created the first Retina display in which the touch technology is integrated. Engineers were able to design pixels that also act as touch-sensing electrodes, even while displaying the image. These double-duty pixels allow for one less layer between you and what you see.
The iPhone 5 is, in short, the “thinnest, fastest, lightest iPhone ever made” According to Time’s Harry McCracken, it is well made. “…when it comes to melding hardware, software and services so tightly that the seams fade away, Apple still has no peer.”
For more Apple News and Stock Updates, as well as great offers on Apple products, check out Tiny Apple Bytes the site!
This blog designed by Sites N Syllables
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Apple Inc. (AAPL) Plans To Bring Mac Mini Production To The U.S.
TechCrunch has reported earlier today that Apple Inc. (AAPL) will be utilizing its partnership with Foxconn to move its production of the Mac Mini to the United States. According to sources within Apple's supply chain, who spoke with Digitimes, Foxconn already has approximately 15 "operating bases" inside the U.S. Two of the states rumored to have these bases are California and Texas, where there are factories already in operation that perform the final assembly of the units that are partially assembled elsewhere. Foxconn has already denied rumors that indicated there were plans to expand to Detroit earlier this year, but did mention in the denial that there were several U.S. factories already in operation.
According to TechCrunch, part of this production move will include a push to outfit Foxconn's factories with more automated workers, which seems to confirm rumors we heard back in November. More automation would help Apple overcome the cost barriers and other limitations that were blamed for a lack of U.S. production in the past.
The Mac Mini poses a great unit for Apple to use to test the waters of U.S. production. One reason for this fact is that just like the Mac Pro, the Mini does not have a display monitor. By eliminating the need for a display to be produced, Apple has cut the costs of producing these machines immensely. The displays that are associated with products like the iPad or iPhone require an integration of many different materials, and careful adjustments may be needed in order to ensure that the pieces function properly. This can mean that additional adjustments and test may need to be made after production has already begun, and if the display manufacturers are not close to the final assembly plant, the resulting delay could be disastrous.
The Mac Mini is not one of Apple's best selling products, which could work in their favor this time. Because the estimated 1.4 million units for 2012 is a much smaller number than say the iPhone 5, which sold millions of units in its first 48 hours of availability, this is a good test project that Apple can use to determine whether other products should also be produced here.
While Digitimes has not always proven to be the most reliable source of information in the past, Apple Inc. (AAPL) CEO Tim Cook is on the record as having said that the production of Mac product would indeed be coming to the U.S. in 2013. This could be the rumor that proves to be true.
Apple Inc. (AAPL) Continues To Drop After Christmas
Apple Inc. (AAPL) shares have continued their downhill slide this morning, as shares dropped from yesterday's closing price of $513. The shares are currently trading at $507, which marks a low point for the stock in the last 6 months period.
Why is Apple suffering so bad in the market? After all, they have one of the strongest product lines in the history of technology...right?
According to, Apple Inc. (AAPL) has a bright future, as they have just released a very successful iPhone 5 as well as the iPad 4 and iPad Mini. All of these products have sold very well, with the iPhone selling out within hours of its release. Additionally, we reported yesterday that Fox and 9to5Mac had both reported that Apple will be releasing the iPad 5 as soon as March of 2013, and that it will have many of the space saving features that the iPad Mini featured.
ValueWalk has also mentioned the fact that Apple is rumored to be building an Apple TV that will be able to link directly to Time Warner's cable system. Rumors have been circulating that Time Warner and Apple have been testing the unit for quite some time.
With all of this success surrounding their products, why is Apple's stock price languishing in the market? Well, while I am no Gene Munster, my opinion is that Apple Inc. (AAPL) is suffering because of the availability of cheaper products that mock the iPad and iPhone's features.
Samsung, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Google all offer tablets that are priced lower than any of the iPad products offered by Apple. These tablets have sold extremely well in the holiday season, and this could be affecting Apple's stock price. With the economy struggling to hold steady and the cost of living rising, many people are looking towards affordability, rather than luxury. If this trend proves to be true, then some analysts fears could be realized.
If Apple loses market share to lesser competitors, then the stock price is going to continue to plummet, perhaps reaching the $425 target set by Jeff Gundlach when he told investors the company will suffer major stock price drops. Other analysts still have faith in Apple, and have stood by their price targets of more than $800 per share, and with some still holding above $900.
Will Apple pull out of this tailspin? While I may not have a crystal ball, I do believe the future of Apple should be clear to anyone who cares to look at the facts. The company has a strong product portfolio, along with some of the greatest engineers, designers, and executives in the world. Tim Cook has positioned his staff very carefully, in order to ensure the company has only the brightest minds working on its projects. With steady leadership, a strong product portfolio, and the continued dedication to quality that made Apple famous in the first place, the company will indeed pull out of this slump. I believe they will indeed reach the high price targets set by analysts in the near future. I suppose we will have to wait and see.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Apple Inc. (AAPL) May Get A Boost From iPad 5 In March
Apple Inc. (AAPL) has been on one heck of a roller coaster ride this year. Their stock has skyrocketed in price, then subsequently plummeted back down to $515 per share. However, analysts continue to hold their faith in the tech company, and their hopes may not be entirely unfounded.
The release of the iPhone 5 this Fall sent consumers scurrying for the new device. Then, the iPad 4 and iPad Mini were released and consumers once again rushed the markets to obtain the tablets. It seems now that there may be even more reason for excitement when it comes to Apple, both for consumers and investors.
According to 9to5Mac, Apple will be releasing the iPad 5 in March of 2013, and it will have many of the desirable elements of the iPad Mini incorporated into its design. This device will feature a slim and light design, along with a 9.7 inch display.
Along with the iPad 5, Fox News reports that we can expect a second generation of the iPad Mini as well.
With all the new products Apple is releasing, consumers are guaranteed not to find themselves bored with their current tablets. The high end tablet and smart phone market is one niche that Apple seems to have covered with perfection.
More details can be found at these links:
Fox News
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The True Story Of Christmas
Aside from all of the glamour and glitz involved with the Christmas season, there is another, much more important side to this holiday. 2,000 years ago, the greatest Gift ever given came to Earth in the form of a tiny infant.
This is the story of that gift.
Luke 2:1-20 King James Version (KJV)
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
I am sure most of you have heard this story at some time in your past. However, many of you may not have ever taken the time to realize the importance of this story. While most of the world focuses on spending time with family and exchanging gifts, I urge you to take a few moments and consider the greatest Gift that has ever been given to mankind. The gift of Hope and Love is far more precious than a new iPad or smartphone. Take the time to share this love among your friends, family, and neighbors this year.
Merry Christmas from the whole team at Tiny Apple Bytes.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas From Tiny Apple Bytes
As 2012 draws to a close I am prompted to look back, as many of us so often do, and reminisce of past memories. This year has been filled with good memories, as well as times of sorrow and heartbreak for our readers, our families, and our nation.
2012 brought many good times to our readers, as Apple Inc. (AAPL) stock soared to all time highs, and Facebook Inc. (FB) finally began to pull out of the death spiral it had entered into from the onset of its IPO in May. Many of you profited handsomely of off Apple's rise, as well as short bets placed on Facebook.
However, 2012 brought many other events into all of our lives as a nation that affected us far more than any rise or fall of the stock market ever could.
Earlier this year, we witnessed a young man walk into a Colorado theater and open fire on innocent people attending the premier of Batman. We have also seen yet another young man take the lives of innocent children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
These events, and many more like it have prompted us to think beyond our own needs and desires for Christmas. As you gather with your families tomorrow, and celebrate the date set aside to remember the birth of Christ, I urge you to look around you and be thankful for those God has placed in your life. There will be many unopened gifts under the Christmas trees this year, and many parents, brothers, and sisters, with an aching place in their hearts, as their loved ones will no longer be present for the celebration.
2012 has had many other moments of note, besides just the sad ones, however. We have survived the Mayan Apocalypse that was predicted to happen on December 21st, and we have managed to get through yet another presidential election.
However, as you reminisce on this year's events, I urge you to consider the reason you are gathering with your family tomorrow. It is not just for the exchange of gifts, or to see relatives who now live in distant locations. The true meaning of Christmas is to remember the birth of One who offers hope to an aching and hurting world. It is meant for us to spread that hope to others. Before you make your charitable donations this year, ask yourself the motive behind it. Are you hoping to gain that tax write off, or are you spreading the truth of love to those you are helping.
As you go about your holiday celebration, take the time to think of those who are hurting this year. Every opportunity you are given to share Christ's love with someone should be treated as a gift. Make the most of those opportunities.
From all of us at Tiny Apple Bytes, Merry Christmas, God Bless You.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Tiny Apple Bytes Relocation!!!
To all of my faithful readers, thank you for enduring the last few days of silence. My family and I have been going through a transitional stage this month. I am proud to announce that I will be the father of twin girls, sometime near April 26th of next year!
As my family and I have relocated, Tiny Apple Bytes will also be relocating within the very near future. As of Christmas Day, the new location for Tiny Apple Bytes will be The site is under construction now, and will soon be completed.
At our new web location, you will find more information on both Apple Inc.(AAPL), and many of your other favorite tech companies, such as Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO), Google Inc. (GOOG), and Samsung Electronics Corporation Ltd. (LON:BC94). You will also find offers on products from these companies, which will include the iPad from Apple and the Galaxy Note from Samsung. There will be many sponsors who also have interesting information and products from your favorite companies.
So please, come and join us on Christmas Day, as Tiny Apple Bytes celebrates its first Christmas with our readers.
Merry Christmas,
Joshua Rarrick
Author of Tiny Apple Bytes
As my family and I have relocated, Tiny Apple Bytes will also be relocating within the very near future. As of Christmas Day, the new location for Tiny Apple Bytes will be The site is under construction now, and will soon be completed.
At our new web location, you will find more information on both Apple Inc.(AAPL), and many of your other favorite tech companies, such as Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO), Google Inc. (GOOG), and Samsung Electronics Corporation Ltd. (LON:BC94). You will also find offers on products from these companies, which will include the iPad from Apple and the Galaxy Note from Samsung. There will be many sponsors who also have interesting information and products from your favorite companies.
So please, come and join us on Christmas Day, as Tiny Apple Bytes celebrates its first Christmas with our readers.
Merry Christmas,
Joshua Rarrick
Author of Tiny Apple Bytes
Monday, December 3, 2012
iPad VS Surface Tab: Which One Is Better?
Nowadays, tablet computers are hotter and in more demand than ever, and with the Christmas
shopping season in full swing, people all over the country are now forced to choose between a
number of desirable tablet options on the market. Two of the biggest contenders in the ring are
Apple’s iPad, which this year got a new little brother, the iPad Mini, and Microsoft’s
recently-introduced Surface RT.
There are lots of reasons to choose the iPad, and lots of reasons to pick the Surface, and
there’s no question people all over the country will be pleased to find one or the other under their
Christmas tree. But now, PCWorld magazine’s online presence has put out a list of reasons
arguing that people ought to choose the iPad over the Surface.
Here’s why that group of Microsoft devotees would jump ship and advocate buying your loved ones (or yourself) an iPad this Christmas:
First, the iPad has 4G/LTE capability (as long as you pay extra for a model with that capability),
and the Surface doesn’t. It’s not even an option on the Surface. For mobile devices, this is no
small thing. 4G allows you to use the iPad in the car, on your camping trip, at your great-great
grandmother’s house--anywhere that there isn’t wifi. The 4G iPad can still connect to the
Internet, while the Surface will be stuck playing MS Hearts and editing your offline documents. If
your job or your interests require that you be connected to the Internet everywhere you go, the
iPad is the easy, obvious choice this Christmas.
Second, the Surface has only limited ability to connect to the internet via VPN, and it cannot
connect to popular VPN’s, like Cisco’s AnyConnect, without a lot of work to reconfigure the
network. This isn’t simply a case of Cisco being slow to develop an app for a the
recently-released Surface. Cisco has publicly said that the Surface lacks the software needed to
run an AnyConnect app, and they won’t release one until Micosoft makes the needed changes.
Meanwhile, Android devices and iPads can use AnyConnect, and anyone who needs the VPN
client will probably pass over the Surface.
Third, the iPad has a much better rear-facing camera. This one isn’t even close. The iPad’s
camera is five megapixels and shoots 1080p video. The Surface has a one megapixel camera
that records video in 720p. If you plan to use your tablet’s camera features much, there’s no
Fourth, there are many more apps available for the iPad, and it will be a very long time before
Microsoft can match the number and variety of apps available on Apple devices. Of course,
Microsoft made sure their tablet had many of the most popular apps available upon its release,
but some heavyweight apps are still missing, like those for Facebook and Twitter. Without those
apps, using either of those social media sites is a pain on the Surface. For people who use
either site a lot--and that is millions upon millions of people--it makes sense to choose an iPad,
at least for now. That’s a major hurdle Microsoft will have to get over, if it wants the Surface to
ever truly rival the iPad.
So there you have it. The iPad is the obvious choice between these two. The features and advantages that are touted by Apple's little tablet are almost certain not to be the headlines in Microsoft's next newsletter. However, you have the facts right here, and you can make your own decision this Christmas, regarding which one you'll buy.
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