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Monday, December 31, 2012
Into The Sun
My new e-book, Into The Sun, is now available through Amazon. If you like a good action story, coupled with mystery and crime, then this book is perfect for you.
There is a special for New Year's Day and the day after that will allow you to download the Kindle version for free. I have included an excerpt of the book below:
"Oh, it's ok," Lane said, his manners coming back to him, along with his composure. He began studying the young girl, sizing her up. She definitely wasn't a trucker, no way a pretty face like that sat behind the wheel for a living. However, she didn't quite look like a lot lizard either. Lot lizard being the nickname truckers gave to the hookers who often roamed these mom and pop places plying their trade.
"You say you need to get all the way to Houston?"
"Yes sir. My car blew its motor here yesterday, and I am just trying to get back home."
"What are you doing way over here in San Antone? Why you're over 200 miles from Houston!"
"Well, I took a job in Phoenix, and I have been there for 7 months. Anyway, I met this guy shortly after I moved there, and we kind of hit it off. Everything went well for a while, but then I felt like things were not going to work out. He drinks a lot, and he started to get angry over something to do with his business. I'm really not sure what he does, he never would tell me, but whatever it is, it was stressing him out." She seemed ready to tear up at the thought of this memory, but she kept speaking.
"One day, he came in drunk and he hit me. I told him we were through, and that I didn't want to see him any more. I thought that would take care of things. I left and went back to my place. However, he showed up at my work the next day, and told me that if he couldn't have me, then nobody could, and that he would kill me if I didn't come back to him. I was afraid, so I quit my job, and got in my car and left. I made it here before my car finally died, and I don't have the money for a new one. I just want to get back to Houston, where he can't get at me again." Now she was crying, with tears streaming down her pretty face and dripping off her chin.
Get your copy at Amazon today!
Apple iPad Mini In High demand In China
It appears as though the iPad Mini will be a smash hit in China. According to FOX News, the little device is being snapped up as fast as it hits shelves.
Brian White, a Topeka analyst, calls the demand for the iPad Mini "insatiable," he notes that nearly every model of the smaller sibling of the iPad 4 have sold out in Hong Kong and China during the week of Christmas. This is pretty impressive considering that the iPad Mini was launched weeks before in both countries.
According to reports, 3 of Apple Inc. (AAPL)'s retail stores in Hong Kong and 8 of them in China reported that they were sold out of stock or had severe constraints in their supplies of the little iPads. White stated that "similar to Hong Kong, we are being told by contacts in China that the iPad Mini is already more popular than the fourth generation iPad."
Apple is increasing the production of the little gadget, and that will only serve to fuel the fire they have started in China. White states that "prior to the China launch, we indicated that the iPad MIni would be the 'next big thing' in China, and we believe this phenomenon is starting to develop. In our view, the smaller form factor and lower price will allow Apple to sell the iPad mini in more meaningful volumes versus the regular iPad."
It would seem that Apple's tree in China is firmly planted. The country has welcomed the iPad Mini and iPhone 5 with open arms, and it seems the future is bright for Apple there. 2012 is ending at midnight tonight, and 2013 is just around the corner. It will be interesting to see how Apple makes changes to its marketing strategy in the coming months, or if there is any need for such a change. As of right now, Apple devices still hold a strong market share in both the tablet and smartphone markets. Whether or not that will continue to be the case in 2013 remains to be seen. For now, I suppose that we will have to wait and see.
This blog produced by Sites & Syllables
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